Community Council of Greater Dallas
Message from our CEO
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
During this uncertain time, please be assured that Community Council of Greater Dallas is committed to continuing to serve those in our community who are most in need and most likely to be impacted by the measures taken to slow down the spread of COVID-19 virus.
We understand that precautions need to be taken in order to protect the health of our clients, volunteers and employees, so we have taken steps to minimize the risk. Our offices at 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 1000W Dallas, TX 75247 and our office at 3155 S. Lancaster Rd Suite 210, Dallas TX 75216 are closed to the public, and we have asked our employees, other than the 2-1-1 call center to work remotely from home (Information on 2-1-1 below).
However, we are continuing to serve clients and provide information and referrals as needed. In addition, our 2-1-1 Call Center is taking calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can provide information about the virus, measures the County is taking, and additional information from local, state and federal sources. They are briefed daily and the database is updated as new information comes in. If you or family or friend needs services, please call 2-1-1 or contact us directly at 214-871-5065. To find out more about our programs and the services we are offering and the precautions we are taking, please click on the links below.
Dallas Area Agency on Aging/Community Wellness (Senior services)
2-1-1 Information and Referral Services
To donate to help us handle the overwhelming need, please click here.
Finally, for information about the virus and Dallas County response, click here.
We understand this is a difficult time for everyone, but Community Council is dedicated to continuing to move families forward.
Stay safe,
Sharla Myers CEO
A message from the Board Chair, Peter Wahl, and CEO, Sharla Myers:
We want to express our horror and outrage at the recent and past violence against African Americans in our country and community. We condemn racism and violence in the strongest possible terms. We chose to work for the Community Council because of its focus on improving inequity in our community. We acknowledge our responsibility, as leaders of an organization that serves African Americans, to speak out against racism in any form. If change is going to occur, it is going to require that all of us speak up and speak out about injustice whenever and wherever we see it. Perhaps we should have spoken out sooner, but sometimes, the words just don’t come. Sometimes we just don’t know what to say. Nevertheless, we realize that silence could be construed as acceptance of practices that we find abhorrent. Therefore, we will not be silent any longer. Racism is unacceptable, period. It is not tolerated in our organization and should not be tolerated in our country. Community Council has always embraced diversity and inclusivity and that has not and will not change. Our hope is that the recent protests will galvanize our citizens and leaders to make real changes that are necessary. We stand with other individuals and organizations in our community who are taking action to eradicate racism and violence against our African American and Latinx and other diverse neighbors. Community Council is also committed to supporting our employees and clients as they face these difficult times. We continue to be dedicated to treating all people with the respect and compassion they deserve. We encourage all our employees and friends to continue to peacefully protest until change happens.
Un mensaje del Presidente de la Mesa Directiva, Peter Wahl, y la Señora Presidente, Sharla Myers:
Queremos expresar nuestro horror e indignación por la violencia reciente y pasada contra los afroamericanos en nuestro país y comunidad. Condenamos el racismo y la violencia en los términos más enérgicos posibles. Elegimos trabajar para el Community Council por su enfoque en mejorar la inequidad en nuestra comunidad. Reconocemos nuestra responsabilidad, como líderes de una organización que sirve a los afroamericanos, de alzar la voz contra el racismo de cualquier forma. Si el cambio va a ocurrir, va a requerir que todos hablemos contra la injusticia cuando y dondequiera que la veamos. Tal vez debimos haber hablado antes, pero a veces, las palabras simplemente no vienen. A veces no sabemos qué decir. Sin embargo, nos damos cuenta de que el silencio podría interpretarse como la aceptación de prácticas que nos parezcan abominables. Por lo tanto, ya no guardaremos silencio. El racismo es inaceptable, punto. No es tolerado en nuestra organización y no debe ser tolerado en nuestro país. El Community Council siempre ha adoptado la diversidad y la inclusión y eso no ha cambiado ni va a cambiar. Esperamos que las recientes protestas galvanicen a nuestros ciudadanos y líderes para que hagan cambios reales que sean necesarios. Estamos con otras personas y organizaciones en nuestra comunidad que están tomando medidas para erradicar el racismo y la violencia contra nuestros vecinos y hermanos afroamericanos y latinos. El Community Council también se compromete a apoyar a nuestros empleados y clientes en estos tiempos difíciles. Seguimos dedicándonos a tratar a todas las personas con el respeto y la compasión que merecen. Animamos a todos nuestros empleados y amigos a seguir protestando pacíficamente hasta que ocurra el cambio.

Connecting Kids to Coverage
Contact Us
Community Council of Greater Dallas Inc.
1341 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 1000W
Dallas, TX 75247
Phone: 214-871-5065
Fax: 214-879-0742
Email: impact@
EIN: 75-0800631
Designated as a 501(c)3
© 2024 Community Council of Greater Dallas Inc.